New year predictions: Charles Pertwee, Baddeley Brothers

Pertwee: expecting more emphasis on sustainability and the environment in 2023
Pertwee: expecting more emphasis on sustainability and the environment in 2023

Charles Pertwee is commercial director at Baddeley Brothers in London, one of the UK’s longest-established printing businesses. The firm still offers classic techniques such as die-stamping and engraving, and Charles believes helping clients stand out is one of print’s strengths.

What positives are you able to draw on from the experiences of 2022?
How influential the Queen was around the world, reflecting how people look to the UK for leadership.

What trend (business or technology) do you think has been accelerated because of the impact of inflation?

What do you think will represent the single biggest opportunity for printers in 2023 and why?
Help clients differentiate themselves, wow their customers with design and different print technologies.

What are your hopes for 2023?
Greater emphasis on sustainability and the environment.

What piece of advice do you wish you had been given in December 2021 to prepare you for the year you’ve just had?
“You think it is all over…”

What was your word or phrase of the year in 2022?
“Crikey, not another crisis.”

What, if anything, will you do differently in 2023?
Talk to people a lot more

What’s your favourite Christmas cracker joke?
Why has Santa been banned from sooty chimneys?
Carbon footprints

Are you making any New Year's resolutions? If so, what?
Take the dog out for long runs on Hackney Marshes and learn to use my Leica properly.