Montgomery's CTP wins work

The Montgomery Litho Group's investment in CTP helped it to secure the contract to print a fine art print of an original painting

The Montgomery Litho Group's investment in CTP helped it to secure the contract to print Windows in the West, a fine art print of an original painting by artist Avril Paton.

The artist was a little wary of the group using CTP at first. But after comparing a print using CTP to one from conventional plates, Montgomery won the contract.

The original painting, measuring 6x5ft, depicts a snowy-topped tenement flat in the West End of Glasgow, revealing through its windows a number of notable characters such as journalist Roddy Forsyth.

Last February, the Montgomery Litho Group installed a Heidelberg Trendsetter 3244 CTP system supplied by Kodak Polychrome Graphics at its Glasgow repro house, Digital Imaging.