Linney installs first Acoro A7

Mansfield-based Linney Print, part of Linney Group, has installed the UKs first Muller Martini Acoro A7 perfect binder, capable of 7,000 copies per hour.

It complements the firms two existing Muller Martini stitching lines, each of which has six-stations.

Linney Print managing director Miles Linney said: "We were considering the A5 when we heard that the A7 was available at speeds of up to 7,000 per hour. It has coped with some very complicated jobs."

Linney added that the acquisition made financial sense as the firm has been outsourcing a lot of perfect bound work.

The 600-employee Linney Group is comprised of Linney Print, Linney Design and Linney Direct.

Muller Martini is set to show the Acoro A7 at Ipex for the first time in the UK.