Print volumes 'growing fast'

Landa Digital Printing announces more press deals

Landa S11P can print at 11,200sph with high-speed option

Landa Digital Printing has announced a further raft of customers following its successful showing at Drupa, including two presses for Smurfit Westrock’s European operations.

Gil Oron, CEO at the Israeli digital press manufacturer, said that the firm’s Nanography technology was being “fully adopted by the market” now.

“Print volumes are growing and they’re growing fast,” he stated.

Oron said the firm has now sold more than 70 presses including a number of repeat orders from existing customers.

Smurfit Westrock was formed by the merger of packaging giants Smurfit Kappa and WestRock which completed over the summer. The group was already running a Landa S10 press at one of Westrock’s US plants.

Installation of one of the two new 11,200sph S11 presses is close to completion at a Smurfit Westrock plant in Poland.

The location for the second press has not yet been disclosed.

“This is an exciting and significant announcement for us,” said LDP chief business officer Sharon Cohen.  

Landa has also signed a multi-press deal with Chinese group Grandprint Shengda, which will become its first commercial print customer in China.

“We see that as a significant milestone. Grandprint Shengda is a mainstream and highly-respected vendor,” Cohen added.

Grandprint Shengda currently runs more than 70 offset presses and smaller-format digital kit.

Its first Landa press will be a seven-colour S11P 11,200sph model with coater.

Advantage ColorGraphics in Los Angeles has also ordered a second press, a seven-colour S11P perfecting model.

Here in the UK, Bluetree Group has recently completed the installation of its second Landa press, which has the new S11P spec, for its site near Rotherham.

Co-CEO James Kinsella told Printweek the press was running well, and the firm planned to enable the high-speed option at Christmas.

“We are running four-colour at the moment while we work on the workflow to do seven-colour,” he explained. 

Elsewhere Cimpress, which agreed a multi-press deal with Landa at Drupa, has not yet disclosed where the first presses will be installed although the first press is expected to be installed before the end of this year.

Oron said the lead time for new presses was between three to seven months, depending on customer requirements.

“We can currently make up to 100 units a year and we can enlarge that,” he stated.

The firm is also moving towards the beta test phase of its W11 web press for flexible packaging, although a timeline has not been disclosed.

A customer in Israel is currently pre-beta testing the press.

Landa Digital Printing will be at the upcoming Printing United show in Las Vegas with an info-based booth showcasing print samples, customer testimonials and videos.