KPG buys RTI in soft proofing expansion

Kodak Polychrome Graphics (KPG) has bought remote proofing specialist RealTimeImage as part of a move to expand its proofing and software product line.

Buying the graphic arts division of RTI will expand KPGs own remote proofing portfolio, just one of the areas focused on at Drupa.

It is expanding its own soft proofing system, called Matchprint Virtual, with a Press Side Proofing system. This is an Apple G5-based module with a soft proof of the printed sheet displayed on an LCD monitor at the side of the press.

KPGs first commercially available processless plate will also be shown at Drupa.

KPG Thermal Direct Non Process Plate is a wet offset plate with a non-ablative develop on press (DOP) coating. It is designed for exposure on a conventional platesetter and is half the speed of developed plates.

KPG is positioning processless as a mainstream technology. Chief executive Jeff Jacobson said he felt that its success could change the position of violet CTP.

Smart companies react to their markets, he said.