Jowetts opts for Komori again

Polestar Jowetts Packaging in Leeds has ordered the new Komori Lithrone S40, launched at Ipex, to replace its six-colour Lithrone that was damaged by fire in July (<i>PrintWeek</i>, 2 August).

The new press, a six-unit double-delivery machine with coating unit, will be commissioned by March 2003. A standard six-unit Lithrone has been supplied by Komori in the interim.

According to Komori UK head of marketing Philip Dunn, the new S40 has numerous upgrades in terms of automation and speed, including quicker plate changes, a new in-feed system and a number of ecological features.

The fire was believed to have been caused by a fault with a dryer. But damage was restricted to the end of the press with only the delivery unit, UV drying unit and the coating unit affected.