Image CTP in Pune clocks 20,000 plates per month on Kodak CTP systems

Pune-based pre-press bureau Image CTP installed its second Kodak Trendsetter 400 in May 2011 and clocked a record of 20,000 plates in September 2011.

50% of these plates were of the size 10x15 inches.

According to Image CTP, it was the calibration free process and lesser issues of under exposure and over exposure of a thermal CTP system that made them to buy the second Kodak Trendsetter 400 after buying the first one in August 2010.  

"We felt that violet had a limited spectrum and the downtime of the machine was more although the speed of violet is more than thermal," said Sanjay Sawant one of the partners of Image CTP. "There was a market segment in Pune of printers, which owned the mini-offset printers who would get their work done on polyester plates. We tapped into this segment and offered plates at same cost."

The 20,000 plates is an upgrade from the previous 14,000 plates that Image CTP produced in August 2011. Some of its customers includes commercial printers like Raj Printers, Rohan Cards and Sangam Press.

The CTP system was installed at Image CTP by Kodak’s dealer, Insight Print Communications.

Image CTP mainly caters to commercial print jobs in Pune which has 16 pre-press bureaux and 250 commercial printers.