Ian Carrotte, managing director of ICSM, said: "This very rewarding figure compares to the £600,000 lost the previous month," adding this demonstrates what can be achieved when help and advice is sought early on.
"A relatively high percentage of the debts we recovered in September had been passed over in time for us to get a positive response from the debtor."
The figures represent a considerable decrease on the £600,000 written off in August and £410,000 the month previous.
"These results illustrate just how much of a huge difference can be made when recovering owed money if we are able to act in a timely manner," said Carrotte.
ICSM praises prompt and decisive printers for cutting bad debt

Credit-checking agency ICSM has cited the prompt and decisive action of printers, after reporting that only 250,000 of bad debt was written off in September, the lowest figure in 2009 so far.