The company held a conference in Sydney on Wednesday (31 July), which featured presentations from HP Indigo director of marketing worldwide Richard de Boissezon, Communic8 client services director Megan Simpkins (pictured) and local digital printing company Momentum.
De Boissezon said the tours objectives included giving existing and potential customers the opportunity to ask questions about the newly formed HP Indigo company and its products.
"Its about us being proactive towards our customers showing what the new HP Indigo means. We will be showing them that our R&D spending is going up. We will also be telling customers that the current distribution channels wont change," said De Boissezon.
Each conference will feature presentations from HP Indigo and CAP Ventures, and will also incorporate local printers and agencies.
Events will take place in Stockholm on 3 September, Barcelona on 17 September, Moscow on 2 October and Beijing on 10 October. The date for Sao Paulo in Brazil has yet to be confirmed.
HP Indigo will exhibit various presses, including the HP Indigo 1000, 3000 and HP Indigo ws2000.
RR Donnelleys book plant in Virginia, part of RR Donnelley Print Solutions, has ordered an HP Indigo Press 3000 for its new book-on-demand soft-covers.
Story by John Davies
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"Utilities, paper and ink but probably not transport, couriers, finisher’s for example"
"Bound to be, most likely those not key suppliers along with HMRC"
"And now watch for those reversion charges to come in thick and fast, for the slightest deviation from the mailing specification 😉😂"
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