HobbyCraft launches quarterly in-store magazine printed by Polestar

Craft shop chain HobbyCraft has launched a 68-page in-store magazine printed by Polestar.

The eponymous quarterly magazine will be available online and throughout the company's 42 stores, priced £1.49, with a print run of 80,000 for the launch issue.

The launch is backed by an in-store marketing campaign and TV advertising.

HobbyCraft head of marketing Lisa Looker said: "We are thrilled to be launching our own magazine and we hope it will encourage  all our customers to try out some of the many projects, with both newcomers and seasoned crafters finding much to inspire them."

The company claims that the recession has brought with it a resurgence of interest in crafts, as people take on a "make do and mend" culture. It is opening three new stores this year and says its like for like sales are up 10% for the 24 weeks to August.