Hamillroad launches free soft-proofing package

Hamillroad Software has launched an entry-level version of its FirstProof soft-proofing package that is totally free.

FirstProof Lite is a pared-down version of the high-end soft-proofing software which allows users to remotely view either Harlequin PGBs or TIFF files.

Users can inspect both the original film/plate pixel data and a smaller fit-to-screen view. The software also features a navigator window, as well as automatic refresh capabilities and job/page/separation status reporting.

Andy Cave, Hamillroad chief executive, said: "We are really pleased to make FirstProof Lite available to the Harlequin RIP community, and indeed to any printer whose RIP or workflow uses TIFF files."

The software is available at www.hamillroad.com. The firm may also provide the software to other companies who wish to include it with their own RIP or workflow software.

Story by Josh Brooks