Choice of two presses

Gibbons in frame for Ancient House web

Komori System 38 web press: the Ancient House presses have five units

One of the two web offset presses at shuttered Ancient House Press appears likely to find a new home in the West Midlands.

Ancient House Press ran two 16pp Komori System 38S web presses, both with five units.

The historic Ipswich firm went into liquidation in January.

Printweek understands that William Gibbons is in negotiations to buy one of the presses.

The Willenhall-based magazine and promotional materials printer is an all-Komori house, and its 16,258sqm factory is currently home to seven Komori System 38 16pp web presses, all with four units.

Two have inline spine gluing and rotary trimming, and two have sheeters.

It also runs two B1 Komori Lithrone long-perfecting sheetfed presses.

The Ancient House web presses also have inline spine gluing, rotary trimming, and sheeting options, along with twin folders for a variety of finished product formats including folded broadsheets.

Further details were unavailable at the time of writing.