Fujifilm secures Trinity Mirror film and plate deal

Fujifilm Graphic Systems has secured 50% of Trinity Mirrors plate and film business. It includes its first major UK contract for Fujis HQ HRR-S fourth-generation film.

The six-figure contract will see Fujifilm supply half the groups film requirements, with the lions share of the rest supplied by KPG.

Fujifilm Graphic Systems national sales manager for newspapers Adrian Muttitt said: Trinity did extensive tests to be sure it would get the improved quality. It is a very consistent product.

Trinity Mirror has also extended its contract for Fujifilms VNN-E plate for a further two years. The deal should last until the newspaper group goes CTP.

The VNN-E and HRR-S combination will be used at Trinity Mirror regional plants including Scottish Universal Papers in Blantyre, the Newcastle Chronicle and Journal, Examiner Newspapers in Huddersfield, Liverpool Daily Post and The Western Mail and Echo in Cardiff.

Trinity Mirror group operation manager John Rolls said: Fujifilm has a long-term commitment to the newspaper industry and this order for film will build on that relationship.

Story by John Davies