According to a nunber of national news reports, the 20pp document is awaiting final sign-off.
Global Data put the number of households in France at 31 million in 2021.
The booklet would include information on how to prepare a household survival kit including sufficient water and tinned food to last for three days, practical items to have to hand such as torches and batteries, and what to do in case of a nuclear strike, along with emergency contact details.
In an address earlier this month French president Emmanuel Macron urged the country to prepare to confront “Russian threats”.
According to Reuters, he stated: “Russia has become, at this moment and for years to come, a threat to France and Europe.”
At the time of writing, the Home Office had not commented on whether the government planned to do anything similar here.
Sweden’s Civil Contingencies Agency issued a pamphlet to that country’s five million households at the end of last year, detailing what to do in case of crisis or war.