Forme printers seek payment

Two printers are taking legal action against publisher Forme Communications over the late payment for magazine printing work

Two printers are taking legal action against publisher Forme Communications over the late payment for magazine printing work.

St Albans-based The Manson Group is seeking to recover an undisclosed sum dating back to January 2001 when it stopped working for Forme. It had been printing Webspace, Video Age and On Demand.

Excelprint, the Ipswich-based sheetfed printer is taking legal action to recover 28,000 of unpaid invoices dating from July and September last year. It was printing two titles for Forme, Print and Q&A, which it began producing in May.

"It started well, with payment for the first job well within terms," said Excelprint managing director Tony Brass. "Then there were problems with payment so we walked away. When we tried to chase our debt he [Forme managing director Bryan Denyer] wasnt co-operative at all."

Forme declined to comment on the situation as PrintWeek went to press.