First Choice picks up two orders at Xerox showcase event

Xerox distributor First Choice has lauded the success of its recent open house and seminar, which resulted in two Xerox 550 orders and attracted more than 60 businesses over the two-day duration.

First Choice used the event, which took place on 11 and 12 November to showcase the latest Xerox Colour 550/560 digital production printers.

In addition, the show featured key speakers from Xerox and a range of business seminars.

Adam Seabrook, divisional manager at First Choice, said the open house proved to be an informative event that received "fantastic feedback".

"The 550/560 also went down really well - it brings impressive high end features to this part of the market for the first time and having now seen it first hand our customers seem to be really excited by it," he added.