Ex-MoDo director Collins creates marketing firm

Former MoDo Merchants marketing director Vince Collins has set up a consultancy to offer marketing advice and services to companies in the print, paper and packaging sectors.

Collins was made redundant from the paper merchant group earlier this year as part of the merger that bought together MoDo Merchants into James McNaughton (PrintWeek, 6 January).

One target area for Collins Marketing Associates would be small- to medium-sized companies and organisations that either cannot afford, or have decided not to invest in conventional marketing departments and programmes.

"Additionally companies that have invested in marketing could also benefit from our service offering," said Collins.

Services will include; strategic planning, brand awareness, product development, customer relationship management, product training and new customer development.

Customer and supplier audits and database management will also be part of the services on offer.

Contact: 01327 843299 Vince.Collins@btopenworld.com

Story by Andy Scott