Encore rounds off 7m kit spend

Encore Washington has signed for the UKs first six-colour KBA Rapida 142 large-format press with double coater.

The 2.5m sheetfed press order comes just five months after the firm invested 4.5m in kit for its Washington "Superplant", including two W&D 627 envelope web converters and two six-colour inline Lithoflex printing systems.

Encore Washington chief executive Tony Gill (pictured) said the latest investment was the result of customer feedback. "We are increasingly involved in the production of direct mail envelopes and our customers are more and more educated," he said.

"They understand that the latest technology is essential for us to give them more competitive solutions."

In addition, the company is planning to make the most of the 15,000sph Rapida's 1,020x1,420mm maximum sheet size.

 "The new Rapida will allow us to deliver these benefits coupled with the ability to print multi-version jobs with up to 20 envelopes on one sheet," said Gill.

"The industry wants new products and new finishes and ever faster deliveries, and several months of trials have proved that we can produce an amazing array of special effects with the double coating system."

The press is scheduled for installation this July.

Encore Washington, which was formed in January through the merger of Encore Direct and Washington Envelopes, employs a team of 280 and currently generates 32m of revenue.