ECRM to showcase low-energy platesetter in China

ECRM has taken its energy-efficient platesetter technology, which it demonstrated at last month's Graph Expo in Chicago, to China for the All Print in China 2008 exhibition.


ECRM showcased its Mako Newsmatic platesetter at the show on local marketing partner The Second Film Factory of Lucky Group’s stand in the Shanghai New International Expo Centre from 14 to 17 November.

The fully-automated Mako Newsmatic platesetter can produce over 60 broadsheet plates per hour at 1,270dpi and is suitable for a range of web widths up to a maximum format of 635x927mm.

According to ECRM, the Mako violet CTP platesetters have been designed to draw as little energy as it takes to light three 100-watt light bulbs, leading to significant cost savings.