Dynagram and HighWater strike imposition software deal

Imposition software developer Dynagram has teamed up with pre-press specialist HighWater Designs to enable the supplier to offer the inpO2 family of imposition products with its products.

HighWater can provide the inpO2 software as an option to its full line of B1/8-up, B2/4-up and B3/2-up family of platesetting systems, which include Cobra 2, Cobra 8 and Python.

Key features of the inpO2 software include a wizard to easily create any imposition from a single source document, template building and on-the-fly imposition, which is suitable for smaller-scale publications.

Users can select between either the inpO2 Standard Edition or the entry-level inpO2 Atom, designed for small and medium-sized commercial printers.

Jack Makowski, managing director of HighWater Designs, said the inp02 products "further enhance the capabilities of HighWater CTP solutions" which help provide customers with "additional solutions to meet their production needs".

Both inpO2 Standard Edition and inpO2 Atom will be available in the first quarter of 2008 directly from HighWater with editions available for the Macintosh and Windows platforms.