Diamond Print installs first Muller MC Ventura with Tween option

Diamond Print Services has become the first UK printer to buy a Muller Martini Ventura MC book sewing machine with the capability to sew in sections that are smaller than the book format.

The trade bookbinder has signed for two Ventura MC machines with a 'Tween' option, to be installed at its Enfield facilities the week beginning 24 March.

“This will allow us to offer something that nobody else at the moment can. So potentially it will open up new markets,” said operations director Nick Dingwall. “I think this could work for anything, any kind of brochure or catalogue work where you might want to put some under-sized 8 or 12 page sections in to make those sections stand out.”

The Ventura MC's 'Tween' option allows signatures of different sizes to the book format to be sewn in at variable positions. This is enabled by the technology’s servo motor technology.

Diamond’s main consideration in replacing its two existing aging Muller Martini Eventa Plus sewing machines with the Venturas was, however, to boost efficiency and quality. 

“Our main consideration is not necessarily those trick products. It’s also just more efficient for the sewing work that we already do,” said Dingwall.

“The sort of work we do tends to be high quality, it’s fairly demanding in terms of timing so very often the print hasn’t had the opportunity to dry off properly, there’s varnish and high ink content so marking can be a problem. But the way in which the feeder on this machine is designed is very good as far as marking is concerned. It puts less stress on the sections,” he added. 

The Ventura MC book sewing machine has a mechanical speed of 12,000cph and a recommended retail price of £190,000.

The only other Ventura MC installed in the UK is at GPS Colour Graphics in Belfast. The machine was installed at the end of last year, and does not boast the Tween option.