CPI will still lobby despite proposals

The Confederation of Paper Industries (CPI) was cheered by the conclusions reached by the House of Lords report into packaging and packaging waste, but will continue to lobby its cause.

"They seem to have picked up on an awful lot of things we have been saying. For instance, the need for clearer data and a simplification of the system," said CPI director of external affairs Kathy Bradley.

The Revised Recovery and Recycling Targets report urged the government to resist attempts by environment rapporteur Dr Dorette Corbey to revise the targets set out in the EU Draft Directive, as it would cost the packaging industry an estimated 878m to 948m extra a year.

Corbey presented proposals that included reduction targets for each packaging material, and higher recycling targets for paper and cardboard.

The select committee supported proposals that had been part of the CPI lobbying programme, including: the obligation to be extended to all firms placing packaging on the market; compliance should be enforced to ensure companies and schemes are held equally to account; simplification of the system; strengthening of mechanisms to ensure packaging recovery note revenues support infrastructure expansion.

"There seems to be a lot of sympathy for our industrys point of view, which is very heartening," said Bradley.

Story by Andy Scott