The Pallakad, Kerala-based printer, which is managed by the St Joseph Charitable Trust, handles commercial work, as well as that of the local church. It prints books, training materials, calendars and diaries.
Director Father Martin said: "The new investment will ensure our business reaches new areas. Also, we hope to develop our short-run colour production business."
Currently, print work is completed on a single-colour HMT machine that is equipped with a DTP set-up, a plate processor, and binding, cutting and folding equipment.
The Bizhub will be installed with an inline saddlestitching unit, which has a face trimming facility and multi-folding options.
"We can now deliver high-quality colour print to our customers at competitive rates," said Father Martin.
Jim Offset, which is dedicated to social responsibilities, employs 25 people.
The sale marked the first Bizhub 6500 press to be sold by HCL Infosystems – one of Konica Minolta's dealers.
Charitable printer extends scope to short-run work
India's Jim Offset Press will be able to handle short-run work after taking delivery of a Konica Minolta Bizhub Pro 6500.