BPIF surveys highlight shifting attitude to shifts and salaries

Shift patterns in the print industry are changing as companies look more closely at wage costs, according to a BPIF report.

The federation linked up with Mercury Search & Selection to produce the Manpower Survey and Salary Survey reports. According to the Manpower report, over 50% of companies operate shifts, which is an increase of 10% on the previous year.

Less than 40% of production staff now work standard days. The survey is based on more than 200 BPIF member companies, covering around 10,500 employees.

The Manpower Survey details hours, earnings and shift information for almost 40 different production occupations.

"It is clear that companies have been looking closely at wage costs," said BPIF information services manager Kyle Jardine. "While basic wages generally increase in accordance with the National Agreement, companies have introduced flexible working patterns, which enable them to exert more control on overtime and their wage bill."

The Salary Survey showed that total average salaries increased by 4.2% between 2004 and 2005. There was also a "notable increase" in the percentage of companies awarding bonuses in the past two years, up 10.1% from 30.5% in 2003 to 40.6% in 2005. Bonuses and overtime are still the most common form of supplementary payments, with 28.8% paying overtime. This compares to 2004 figures of 34.3% for overtime.

The Salary Survey gives information on salaries and other benefits, including performance and profit-related pay, pensions, health insurance and company cars.

"The importance of having an authoritative benchmark for pay levels for both hourly paid and salaried staff cannot be overstated," said Mercury Search & Selection managing director Dani Novick.

The full reports can be bought via the BPIF's Printdata website, www.printdata.org.uk

BPIF Salary Survey

- Average basic managing director salary small company: 38,505, large company: 97,250

- Average basic production manager salary small company: 26,220, large company: 40,000

- Average basic sales manager salary small company: 27,827, large company: 40,400

- Average basic printing supervisor salary small: 20,270, large: 30,547