Atelier fits accredited Epson

Atelier, the remote repro supplier, has become the first firm to implement Colourbytes PPA proof4press accredited Epson proofing package.

The Cornish firm needed to be able to offer a high-end contract proof and felt PPA accreditation was a prerequisite of any system it installed.

Despite specialising in remote workflow and offering customers the option of local proofers on their desktops, the firm found clients wanted it to produce the proofs and send them out.

"We've had the technology for desktop proofing for three years and customers still want us to do it [produce the proofs]," said Atelier commercial director Mike Palmer.

Using its Digital Publishing Desktop (DPD) Atelier's customers can send a request for a hard copy proof produced on an Epson 7600 driven by Oris software for delivery the next morning.

Colourbyte gained proof4press accreditation for the Epson package last month.

Story Barney Cox