Artwork Systems enhances workflows for Drupa

Artwork Systems has added further PDF support to its packaging workflows and is improving the functionality of its Odystar workflow for commercial print.

Its packaging products Nexus and ArtPro support sister firm Enfocus Certified PDF technology in version 8 of each. As well as providing pre-flight this ensures an audit trail with full file history and pre-flight profile used.

Other new PDF features include support for transparency natively throughout. The Nexus RIP is now PDF 1.4 native. The firm also has a completely new trapping technology.

Odystar, its PDF and JDF-based workflow has gained PDF 1.5 handling and the ability to split processes and tasks across multiple servers to improve overall performance. It has also gained JDF-based imposition.

Drupa will be used to launch the firms asset management software Mnemo and a new version of WebWay its web-based tool for job submission, proofing annotation and approval.

WebWay and Mnemo both work with Odystar, Nexus and ArtPro.