ArtQuest adds PDF 1.2 support for Crescendo

ArtQuest has launched version two of its PDF-IT file format, which creates PDF 1.2 compatible files and is meant to ensure the pre-ripped file format will work with other firms RIPs

ArtQuest has launched version two of its PDF-IT file format, which creates PDF 1.2 compatible files and is meant to ensure the pre-ripped file format will work with other firms RIPs.

Also available from its website is PDF-IT Wizard, a free program that converts PDF-IT files to TIFF-IT.

"Version two of PDF-IT is a rippable ripped file its safe PDF," said ArtQuest Northern European manager Bruce Dransfield.

ArtQuests Crescendo work-flow, which creates PDF-IT files, has been installed at 55 UK sites in the past year. Demand has been so high that distributor Guideline has handed the reins back to ArtQuest so it can remain focused on its other product lines.

ArtQuest has now form-ed an alliance with CT and Line to sell and support Crescendo in the UK.