The decision is a direct result of EMI consolidating operations at its plant at Uden in the Netherlands, where AGI is also based. But other companies have also moved significant amounts of business to Eastern Europe.
More than 50% of the Swindon operations business was believed to have been involved with producing EMIs sleeves.
When the music group announced the closure in May, AGI chairman Tony Garnish said his firm would review the balance of capacity between Swindon and Uden (PrintWeek, 3 May 2002).
AGI is now undertaking 30 days of collective and individual consultation with staff but the closure will not be fully implemented until April 2003. Some administrative and customer service staff will have the opportunity to transfer to other AGI sites.
Around 20 staff also took voluntary redundancy during the summer.
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"Not sure you can say it's marmite. Some people like marmite....
Clearly G.F Smith are feeling the pinch at the moment. Some strange decisions internally, odd decisions to let some staff go and..."
"An Apprentice Task? What does Lord Sugar say...."
"Now I get it. The G and F are eyes and SMITH is the smiley teeth. They should recruit Dr Teeth and the Electric Mayhem.
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