Agfa to reshuffle Graphic Systems

Agfa is reorganising the top management at its Graphic Systems business in the new year

Agfa is reorganising the top management at its Graphic Systems business in the new year.

The move comes after Friedrich Hujer, spokesman for Graphic Systems on Agfa's board of management, announced he would retire. Dr Ludo Verhoeven, vice president of the board, will replace him. The current head of Graphic Systems Walter Van Leuven will assist Verhoeven.

The move will see head of pre-press systems marketing Etienne Van Damme head up a new business development and strategy department. The unit will be responsible for developing the future direction of the firm's products and services including mergers, acquisitions and strategic alliances.

Piet Cottenie, who is currently managing director of Agfa Europe, will fill a new role as worldwide sales and marketing director.

"Etienne's profound knowledge of products and channels will be used to help Agfa set out its long-term strategy," said Cottenie. "We've always been looking at joint ventures and acquisitions, but to really do it you need to free up staff to focus on strategy."

Cottenie's role will be to tighten up the sales and marketing channel. "I'll focus more on the market and think more customer-oriented," he said. "We aim to get a more efficient sales organisation, which was part of what I did for Europe."

Story by Barney Cox