36 staff face chop at Greaves

Up to 36 staff are set to lose their jobs at Polestar Greaves after the firm said it was decommissioning one of its two KBA TR4 gravure presses

Up to 36 staff are set to lose their jobs at Polestar Greaves after the firm said it was decommissioning one of its two KBA TR4 gravure presses.

Most of the proposed job losses at the Scarborough plant will be in the print room with some from the warehouse and other areas.

Group operations director Chris Pavlosky said the press was at the end of its useful life after 22 years.

"There is room to retire old technology and have more productivity, quality, performance and flexibility through investment such as our new gravure press at Purnell."

The firm went into a 30-day consultation period with the GPMU on Monday.

Richard Watson, deputy secretary of the Wolds branch, said: "We hope to reduce the number of redundancies."