35 jobs cut at Foster Print

Smith and Williamson has made 35 shop floor workers redundant at Bradford-based Foster Print after being appointed administrative receiver

Smith and Williamson has made 35 shop floor workers redundant at Bradford-based Foster Print after being appointed administrative receiver.

A spokesman for Smith and Williamson confirmed that the company had been called in, but refused to discuss any further details.

West Yorkshire GPMU assistant branch secretary Andrew Hogg said: "They (Smith & Williamson) were appointed on the Thursday and the following Tuesday they announced the redundancies.

"Wed been hoping that Fosters would come out of the rocky road that its been on, but were hopeful that we can help them get into other employment."

Some of the staff at Foster Print are owed four weeks' wages and holiday pay. Their claims will now go to the DTI.

In 1997 Foster Print, whose parent company is the Sunfield Group, posted a loss of 35,061 and in 1998 it recorded a loss of 48,885.

Story by John Davies