2025 Printweek Awards open for entries

Early bird deadline: 1 November 2024

Printweek has launched its 2025 awards scheme under the strapline of ‘Festival of Print’ with, for the first time, early bird submissions eligible for one free entry.

Featuring 17 categories, including the ‘build your own’ Innovation category and coveted Printweek Company of the Year, there’s never been a better opportunity to demonstrate your business’s prowess to clients and prospects and single out the brilliant work of you and your teams.

“With every entering company eligible for a free entry for submissions completed before 1 November, regardless of whether you’ve entered the awards before or not, this is the perfect opportunity to shout loud and proud about your business,” said Printweek editor Darryl Danielli.

This year, Prinweek has also introduced a new ‘Data-driven printer of the Year’ award to spotlight a single, high-volume digitally printed direct or transactional mail campaign or multi-channel project that similarly incorporates print with complex and highly variable data elements.

Visit the Printweek Awards site for the full criteria and details of all the categories.

“The first step in entering is creating an ‘account’ on the new Printweek Awards entry awards portal, that way you have access to all the resources and can be kept up to date with critical information,” said Danielli.

“All you need is your email address to create an account, and that’s it, you can then come back later and start your entry at any time using your logins.”

To qualify for a free entry, companies must complete their first entry by 1 November 2024 and use the ‘EARLYBIRD' discount code.

Companies wishing to enter more than one category can complete subsequent submissions anytime up to the standard entry deadline of 25 November.

“Entries are judged by a panel of leading print buyers and independent experts ensuring a level playing field for companies large and small, first-time entrants or seasoned campaigners,” said Danielli.

“So, the only thing stopping you from having a chance of winning one of our coveted Prisms is you, because as the saying goes ‘you have to be in it to win it’.

“If after creating an account you would like advice on categories or on putting together an entry, contact Stephen Sargent or Jess Dunmall.”

Once again the industry’s flagship awards will be hosted at London’s iconic Brewery, where around 700 guests will network and celebrate the best of the UK printing industry.

Sponsors confirmed so far include Bowe Systec, Close Brothers Asset Finance, Compass Business Finance, Denmaur, Heidelberg, IFS, and Premier with more being announced soon.

Manufacturers and suppliers interested in sponsoring should contact James Cockburn.