Q&A: Thomas Berwick, apprentice, Point Control

Thomas has been in the industry for about 18 months in his apprentice role at Accrington-based print finishing business Point Control, where his father Richard is one of the firm’s founding directors. When not at work the 21-year-old likes to play football and enjoys keeping fit

What is your nickname?  

Tom, TB, Tommy

Why did you get into printing? 

Dad works in the industry and a job came up to work with him

What would be your dream job? 

I used to want to be a footballer, but I’m not too sure now

Who would play you in a movie about your life?  

Bradley Cooper

What would you most like to print?   

A one-way ticket abroad

What is your favourite film?  

The Dark Knight

What is your favourite TV show?  

Prison Break

Who or what do you hate the most?

People who eat their food loudly

What is your favourite album? 

Take Care by Drake

What is your favourite book?

The Harry Potter books

What is your greatest luxury in life?


Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with? 

Bear Grylls

What is your greatest ambition? 

To be successful!

What’s your greatest fear?  

The thought of dying

Where would you like to be right now?  

Barbados, chilling in the warm weather with a beer

Which superpower would you like to have? 

To be telepathic. I would love to know what goes on in people’s heads sometimes

Who would be your favourite party guests?

Kanye West, The Rock and Kevin Hart

Where would you go if you could time-travel?  

Into the future so I could return to the present and bet on things and win money!

What was your childhood obsession?

Football, definitely

What is the worst kind of print?  


What is your dream bit of kit?

Outside of the industry, the Lamborghini Aventador. But I will be going to Drupa 2016 to find out a bit more about what’s new in the industry

What is your favourite phrase or saying?

‘Heaven won’t take me and hell’s afraid of me’

What’s your worst fashion disaster?

I don’t do fashion disasters

How would you like to be remembered?  

For me being me

Life is…?  

Very good at the moment