Q&A: Josh Mumford Digital press operator apprentice, Healeys Print Group

Josh is new to the print industry, and is just three months into his apprenticeship in this marvellous industry of ours. When not at work his hobbies including football, music, cinema, and watching UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) and that ultimate time-sucker, YouTube.

What is your nickname?  


Why did you get into printing? 

It’s such a vast and interesting industry and when the apprenticeship came up I was very pleased and wanted to grab the opportunity

What would be your dream job? 

To play for Everton FC, preferably as a striker

Who would play you in a movie about your life?  

Jim Carrey, he’s got a lot of energy, which is needed to play me I think

What would you most like to print?   

A nice bright landscape. Or an Everton programme

What is your favourite film?  

Lone Survivor, Warrior or Toy Story

What is your favourite TV programme?  

Prison Break or The Big Bang Theory

Who or what do you hate the most?


Who do you admire most in print? 

Philip Dodd the managing director of Healeys Print Group. Ask him any question about the printing industry and he’ll have the answer

What is your favourite phrase or saying? 

Everton’s motto: ‘Nil satis nisi optimum’, Latin for ‘Nothing but the best is good enough’

What is your favourite album? 

Sempiternal by Bring Me the Horizon

What is your greatest luxury in life?

Definitely my car, being able to drive anywhere at any time is amazing

Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with? 

My girlfriend and a couple of good mates

What is your greatest ambition? 

To be financially stable and to take care of my family

Who or what makes you laugh?  

Lee Evans never fails to make me laugh

What piece of kit would you like to see invented?

A hoverboard – the one in Back to the Future would be cool

Where would you like to be right now?  

Florida, I’ve been twice and it’s amazing

Which superpower would you like? 

The ability to fly would be pretty cool

Who would be your favourite party guests?

All five members of Bring Me the Horizon, they’re all crazy

Where would you go if you could time-travel?  

Back to when dinosaurs existed so I could ride one

What was your childhood obsession?


What is the worst kind of print?  

Anything with a solid colour on it is a pain

How would you like to be remembered?  

As a funny, happy, caring person. Just as a genuine person

Life is…?  

Like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get