Q&A: Humira Akuji, account executive, Inc Direct

After we learned that Humira had received the highest ever number of votes in Inc Direct’s employee of the month poll, we had to find out more about this 30-year-old wonder woman, who, when not dazzling in her day job enjoys swimming, cooking and socialising. Oh, and we can help with the dream job, just don’t tell Noel…

What is your nickname? 

Due to my height everyone calls me Shorty, my sisters call me Pudding, which I also love

Why did you get into printing? 

The power and affect print has on people. It is an industry that allows you to work with your clients rather than just for them

What would be your dream job? 

I have a few, to be a pilot or a news reporter would be brilliant, but a more realistic dream job for me would be a business woman, one day maybe have my own property portfolio

What is your favourite film? 

The Shawshank Redemption

Who or what do you hate the most? 

The word ‘hate’, such a horrible word

Who do you admire most in the industry? 

Apart from Noel Warner, CEO of Inc Direct and my boss, I would say Claire Gordon our client experience director

What is your favourite saying? 

Keep Calm and Carry On 

What is your favourite album? 

Loud by Rihanna

Cat or dog, or…? 

I have a pet cat named Ginger, but If possible I would definitely own a panda. They are the cutest 

What is the strangest job you’ve had? 

My most disliked job was at Clarks. Working around people’s feet can be painful

Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with? 

If I was asked this question back in 1997 I would have said David Beckham. Now I would like to think my husband, but the truth is I’d probably end up eating him for dinner. Apart from him I would like to be stuck with my sisters as all we do is laugh when we get together

What is your greatest ambition? 

To be financially stable and buy a house in London

What’s your greatest fear? 

Snakes, just thinking of them makes me feel petrified. I now panic on flights after watching Snakes on a Plane

Most embarrassing moment? 

When people think my husband is my father, it’s happened on a few occasions when in actual fact I’m a month older than him

Where would you like to be now? 

The Maldives 

What’s your worst fashion disaster? 

Socks and sandals together. Leather trousers. People started calling me Ross from Friends

Which superpower would you like? 

Invisibility, I would spy on everyone

Who would be your favourite party guests? 

Anyone who likes to dance, so probably Beyoncé

What was your childhood obsession? 

I was a massive wrestling fan – WWE and The Rock, etc

What advice would you give to your teenage self? 

Stay positive, learn from the mistakes made in the past, work hard, always look forward never look back. Smile, and lastly change your hair parting.