Q&A: Dave Turnbull, operations director, L&S Printing

Dave has spent 25 years – more than half his lifetime – in print. He’s married with two children and has always lived on or near the beach, and tries to make the most of this luxury whenever possible.

Why did you get into printing? 

I had a talent for art at school,which led me to art college and graphic design. First job in the trade was as a ‘paste-up artist’ which sounds almost alien nowadays. Apprentice film planner, dark room and platemaking followed but these skills were outdated as the Mac and page make-up systems were being introduced. There’s always been new stuff to learn

What would be your dream job?

Outside of print, any creative role in the movie industry. I’ve always been fascinated by the craft of film making and telling a story in 90 minutes with visuals and sound that can thrill, scare, shock, tug at heart strings and reduce people to tears. (Just like print production but without the paper)

Who would play you in a movie about your life?

My son Josh. At the moment he’s a ‘mini me’ so perfect for the early years

What is your dream bit of kit?

Our HP Indigo 10000. A game-changer that’s already proving to be another ‘disruptive technology’

What is your favourite film?

Until recently it was Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. This week it’s a little known movie called Safety Not Guaranteed. Highly recommended. Long term it has to be Jaws, which I still don’t think is showing its age. 

What is your favourite TV show?

I rarely watch live TV anymore. I recently worked my way through Game of Thrones which kept my attention for the full 40 hours!

Who do you admire most in print? 

Andy Osborne, the owner of West Printing Works in Steyning, West Sussex. He’s survived some real tough periods and re-invented his business to suit changing times. He was happy to lend me his 911 to deliver leaflets to nightclubs in Brighton after working late in the evenings. Anyone else remember the Zap Club?

What is your favourite saying?


Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with?

The obvious answer is a survival guru from TV but if I’m going to be stuck for a while I’d prefer female company and help with cooking. Nigella?

What is your greatest ambition?

To own my own business of course

Who or what makes you laugh?

Frank Skinner

What piece of kit would you like to see invented?

An iPhone with a battery that lasts more than one day

Where would you like to be now?

Propping up the bar at Sloppy Joe’s, Key West, Florida

Who would be your favourite party guests?

Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard, Jack Kid Berg and Chris Eubank

What is the worst kind of print?

The Liberal democrat manifesto from the last election. However, I don’t think they printed enough because when I rang my local candidate for a copy he told me they’d ‘sold out’

Life is…?  

Bloody exhausting at the moment! How did our industry become so fast-moving in such a short timescale?