Q&A: Andrew Horn European solutions director, ADM Group

Andrew has worked in and around print for 30 years, on the manufacturing side in City print, greetings cards and point-of-sale, as well as with print management companies.

He met his wife Julia at the PrintWeek Awards (the resulting PrintWeek article about this momentous event ‘PM couple tie the knot after cutting the rug’ is framed in the guest bedroom), and the couple have an eight-year-old son. His hobbies include singing and going to the opera. He’s also mad about motor sport and The Archers. 

Why did you get into printing? 

I was trying to get into the arts admin world with an opera company or music festival after university. I went to help out for three weeks in customer services at Apollo Offset in the City and stayed nine years

What would be your dream job? 

Chief executive of the Royal Opera House

What is your favourite film? 

Four Weddings and a Funeral or almost any Bond film

Sweet or savoury?


Who do you admire most in the industry? 

Steve Nunn (Williams Lea Tag and now HH Global) for his single-minded purpose in driving the outsourced print management proposition forward over the years

What is your favourite saying? 

‘Be careful of the toes you tread on whilst climbing the ladder; they may be connected to the foot that kicks your arse on the way down’

What is your favourite album? 

The Alan Parsons Project’s Eye in the Sky

What is your favourite book?

Growing up my favourites were the Swallows and Amazons series by Arthur Ransome. I read all 12 at least six times and still have the dog-eared paperbacks in my study. I’m currently reading Conversations with the Pixie by Dee Nicholls 

Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with? 

Bear Grylls – I’d stand a chance of getting out alive

What is your greatest ambition? 

Paying off the mortgage

Who or what makes you laugh? 

Alex, my son

Where would you like to be now? 

Skiing in the Alps

What’s your worst fashion disaster? 

Some would say my pink moleskin suit… but I’m partial to it

Who would be your favourite party guests?

Stephen Fry, Kristin Scott Thomas, Simon Callow and Emma Thompson would make for an entertaining dinner party 

What was your childhood obsession?

Making music closely followed by reading. Neither of which I do enough of now 

What is the worst kind of print? 

Anything with offensive typography

What advice would you give to your teenage self?

Don’t worry about fitting in, be true to yourself

How would you like to be remembered? 

An honest and decent bloke

Life is…? 

Wonderful and precious – make the most of it