Q&A: Andreas Schillinger, managing director and co-owner, Lotus Labels

Andreas is likely to be a familiar name and face to many as he spent 16 years at Muller Martini UK, before a career change that saw him switch from the equipment manufacturing side of the industry to being at the sharp end of print at the helm of label printing business Dynamic Systems ID, which trades as Lotus Labels.

He’s worked in the industry for more than 30 years, has two children, and describes his hobbies as “running my company with a passion, cycling, and walking”.

What is your nickname? 

I have always harboured suspicions that I have nicknames. Must find out what they are

Why did you get into printing? 

The reassuring smell of paper and ink in my father’s printing shop when I was a boy. And scooting along on a pallet truck at great speed and slaloming around shiny printing presses (when he wasn’t watching). Now, I am the only one who is allowed to do this around our new Xeikon

Who would play you in a movie about your life? 

Dustin Hoffman. His facial profile resembles mine

Who or what do you hate the most? 

Obsessively ambitious people who have no morals

What is your favourite album?

Tony Allen, Film of Life. African jazz

What is your favourite book?

Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow by Yuval Noah Harari

What is your greatest luxury in life? 

Fresh sea air and far reaching views. That fills my heart with joy

What is the strangest job you’ve had? 

Being grilled for five days by Chinese negotiators of the Beijing Import Corporation, locked in a ‘negotiating room’ that looked like a prison cell, trying to sell German printing presses. It was all worth the agony in the end

What’s your greatest fear? 

I have a phobia of people who think they know but don’t know that they don’t know. I am thinking of a thing that begins with ‘B’ and which is totally cringe worthy

Who or what makes you laugh? 

The News Quiz on Radio 4, British humour at its best

Most embarrassing moment? 

Not recognising who Geoff Hurst was when I bumped into him at a function and not realising what he meant when he said to me: “It was a goal!”

Where would you like to be now? 

In a Greek taverna

What’s your worst fashion disaster? 

It is a constant disaster, I don’t do fashion unless I am told to, but that doesn’t make it any better

Who would be your favourite party guests? 

Jo Francis and Ian Hislop

What was your childhood obsession? 

My childhood girlfriend who was the most beautiful thing ever but never reciprocated 

What is the worst kind of print? 

Printing with scented varnishes. Transforms the whole factory into a strawberry flavoured wonderland 

What was the best business deal that you’ve pulled off? 

Selling shedloads of German printing presses to the Chinese

How would you like to be remembered? 

Someone who achieved good things without being a jerk

Life is…? 

There for you for the taking – only once, unfortunately