“I am a keen motorcyclist, adrenalin seeker, good listener, gin drinker and now into my 29th year of trading in our wonderful town,” she says.
Why did you get into printing?
After studying A Level Art and DT and continuing with a Foundation Art course, I started in 1987 with a local printing company (one of seven in our town) as a paste-up artist producing camera ready artwork for business cards, brochures, leaflets, etc. Cutting mats, folding bones, hand numbering machines and scalpels were my tools in a ‘cow gum’ scented room. I loved the smells and sounds of the AB Dick printing presses and busy flow of walk-in trade. I started my third graphics job in 1990 for a brand new independent company, married my boss in 1995 and the rest is history
What would be your dream job?
I am already in my dream job and can’t see myself doing anything else. I simply love a challenge. I thrive on deadlines, the variety, (great loyal customers) and the constant buzz I get from it. How lucky am I?
What is your favourite film?
I love all the 1980s action movies
What is your favourite TV programme?
24 hours in A&E. I hope to see my son on there [working] one day!
Sweet or savoury?
Savoury every time!
What is your favourite saying?
You can’t make a silk purse from a sow’s ear. I find myself (politely) saying this to customers who send very low-res Images and want them enlarged and printed banner size
Cat or dog, or…?
I’m a big dog lover and have two Bichon Frises, Olive and Toby. Toby is our mascot and appeared a while back in your magazine under the heading ‘Printers and their pets’! He tends to sit on my desk and customers and delivery drivers love him. He has also won me many orders!
What is your greatest ambition?
To motorcycle around the world
What’s your greatest fear?
Falling off my motorbike
Who or what makes you laugh?
That has to be my husband. He is the funniest person I know
Most embarrassing moment?
Aged 20, I was paid by the staff of a large design agency to present a delicious red cocktail, complete with umbrella and straw, to their MD and tell him how much his staff appreciated him. Sadly, I was not told there was a step down into his office and I tripped, fell to my knees and spilt said cocktail over his white shag pile carpet!
Where would you like to be now?
On a road trip
What superpower would you like?
Probably super strength
Who would be your favourite party guests?
The TweetUpShrewsbury networking group, definitely. They are such a lovely, entertaining group of business people. I get to print for a few of them too… Always a bonus!
What was the best business deal that you’ve pulled off?
Now that would be telling
Life is . . .
Better with print!