The company said that visitors will be able to witness the "versatility and flexibility" of its range from label printing to greetings cards.
Frank Vanmeenen, global marketing manager at Xeikon owner Punch Graphix International, said: "We will be giving an overview of the complete range of possibilities of our portfolio – from digital label printing to high-speed variable data printing.
"Our message is based on our three pillars: productivity; ease of integration; and ecology. We will show our visitors that speed not necessarily is the same as productivity."
The manufacturer will be hosting a dedicated label and packaging area at its stand running the Xeikon 3300 digital colour press.
"Attendees will also be able to witness the versatility and flexibility of Xeikon digital colour solutions and finally the ecological advantages of eco-printing with Xeikon will be put in the spotlights," said Vanmeenen.
According to Vanmeenen, Print 09 may mark the beginning of the recovery of the economy. "We believe that Print 09 will be a good show for Xeikon and for the printing business in general," he added.