Wasatch’s Precision Rosette Hybrid Screens (PRHS) switch from AM to FM screening when a minimum dot size is reached.
Below the threshold, that minimum dot size is maintained and density is reproduced by removing dots in an FM or stochastic pattern.
According to Wasatch, this technique can eliminate highlight break, which occurs due to physical issues with small dots in screen and flexo printing, as well as similar problems that arise in offset printing.
The software, which allows users to define the thresholds for both highlights and shadows, is also claimed to eliminate plugged holes in the shadow areas of inkjet separations.
Wasatch said that PRHS was very valuable for the flexo, screen and offset markets.
The company added that its latest hybrid screening technology could be combined with its Rosette/Stochastic hybrid method to address both minimum dot sizes and 15 degree moiré simultaneously.
Neuzugänge für Wasatch SoftRIP SP mit Hybridrasteroption
Wasatch Computer Technology hat für Anwender seines Produkts SoftRIP SP eine Hybridrasteroption vorgestellt, die eine genaue Rasterreproduktion ermöglicht.
Die Precision Rosette Hybrid Screens (PRHS) von Wasatch wechseln von AM-Raster zu FM-Raster, sobald Rasterpunkte eine bestimmte Mindestgröße erreichen.
Wasatch zufolge kann dieses Verfahren sog. „ausbrechende Lichter" verhindern und ist somit sehr nützlich für die Flexo-, Sieb- und Offsetdruckmärkte, in denen ein Bedarf nach hochauflösender Ausgabe auf Filmen besteht.
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