Findings from the Power of Print survey questioned 300 printers and 150 print buyers and found that just 23% of print buyers have heard of the industry-wide campaign.
Launched in 2008, Two Sides set out to challenge the alleged environmental misconceptions of paper, and director Martyn Eustace said print membership had grown steadily, but slowly.
The focus will now be on raising the rate of printer membership by means of an advertising campaign that will launch later this month.
At the heart of the campaign is research carried out last year by the National Association of Paper Merchants that found 80% of media buyers admit that environmental considerations affect the print buying decision.
"Printers should come on board and ensure, by modest subscriptions, that the industry remains active in promoting the sustainability and effectiveness of print media," said Eustace.
The Power of Print survey also found that 82% of printers said the print industry does not do enough to promote its green credentials.
Two Sides is an industry-wide initiative aiming to dispel "misleading information" surrounding paper's impact on the environment.
Two Sides ad campaign set to target printers

Two Sides has said it is surprised by a PrintWeek survey that found only a quarter of printers have heard about the initiative, as it gears up to launch a campaign later this month.