I work for an international firm and one of my duties is to find out information related to our industry. Printweek.com has been of great help. However, I am looking for the Spanish version of the articles and maybe a Spanish website that will give me similar information.
Mayra Villacres
Via email
PrintWeek has so far branched out to the Middle East, Ukraine and Russia, but Spain... well, considering the number of Spanish-related questions I’ve had in recent weeks (read on for some more), perhaps we should think about an Iberian launch! One printer in Barcelona said he only received monthlies, and admitted he usually throws them in the bin anyway! Pira helped me with a list of print-related journals, but I’m not sure of their quality. I could only find the postal address for Impresión Digital (Alabrent Edicones SL, c/. Sospir, 32-20 1a, 08026, Barcelona), and I thought I’d found a web version, but it seems to be based in Mexico. Similarly, I only have a hotmail address for another title, Graficas (revistagraficas@hotmail.com), but I found what could be their online version: www.graficasonline.com. My lack of Spanish is holding me back! The good news is it looks like a decent website.
I am a print buyer for a publishing/events company. We have trade shows around Europe every year. I need to find sheetfed printers in Madrid, Spain, and Rome, Italy.
Karl Weber
PennWell Global Energy Group
I’ve had another query about printers in Madrid from Alan Pearce at Tawny Press, so I hope I can kill two birds with one stone. Try Riva Deneyra (www.rivadeneyra.com, 00 34 91 2089 150) and, of course, the international giant Quebecor – or Quebecor Iberica (www.quebecor.es, 00 34 91 8957 915). For printers in Rome, visit www.italianprinters.eu, a useful new website.
IOS Integrated (01392 255500) has come up with an alternative for Mark Wesley at Windles SIS. It can produce integrated forms from supplied flat sheets, but can only manufacture products up to A3 and 600 micron. Interestingly, we have since been contacted by GMK Graphics (028 9032 7905) in Belfast, which said most screenprinters undertake this type of work on a daily basis. Try GMK, or if you’re worried about transport costs, contact www.spauk.co.uk for your nearest screenprinter.
Worries with your workflow? Problems with your press? Email printweek.helpline@haymarket.com
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