The manufacturer is set to embark on a company first by broadcasting daily stand presentations live online. Web viewers will be able to pose questions that will in turn be answered directly at the show.
According to Brian Filler, managing director at Screen UK, the company's booth "will be packed with exciting, high-impact applications which is why we are broadcasting live to show the world what the Truepress Jet range can do".
During the show, Screen will showcase the 2.5m-wide Jet2500UV printer, which can now handle five and seven multi-layer printing, which enables users to produce double-sided graphics on transparent material without the need to feed the media a second time.
Screen will also demonstrate anew post-curing unit for the flat-bed 1.6m Truepress 1600UV-F that is claimed to increase curing power to improve productivity by up to 80%, without the need for additional printheads.
"Our wide format printers can produce very impressive products that are opening up lucrative new market opportunities for display producers," added Filler.
Screen to broadcast stand demonstrations online live from Sign & Digital UK
Screen has challenged visitors to this month's Sign & Digital UK show to "take a closer look" at its Truepress Jet2500UV and Truepress Jet1600UV-F wide-format inkjet printers.