Proskills closes in on training investment programme funding for UK print

Proskills has urged printers that it is not too late to come forward and benefit from funding available from the Joint Investment Programme (JIP) and its 3.7m training fund.

The training and skills body is at the contract stage with the government fund and is close to securing £3.7m for the process and manufacturing sector.

The JIP has been designed to pool private and public investment on a matched basis in a bid to grow training levels in key areas of the economy.

So far, 17 print companies, with 833 candidates, have applied and are in line for funding of £725,000 – half of which will be matched by the government.

More than 80 companies and a possible 12,000 learners from across the process and manufacturing sector have registered their interest in the scheme.

Terry Watts, chief executive of Proskills, said the council was delighted to reach the final business planning stage at a time when funding is hard to come by.

He said: "The money assigned by the government through this scheme will be matched by employers on a 50:50 basis, showing the continuing commitment of employers in the sector to training and developing their employees.

"By working with industry in this way we have been able to demonstrate to government that there is demand for the right provision out there, but that the current system is unable to satisfy it."

The initial submission has been accepted by the Skills Funding Agency and Proskills is now preparing a detailed plan for agreement by September 2010.

According to Watts, those interested should contact Proskills as it is not too late to register for the programme.

"The government has put its money where its mouth is and print companies should get involved," he said.