As well as including the findings of our second wide-format survey, which maps where buyers, and well over 300 printers, think the key opportunities lie in the sector, the report also features input from three print firms that have recently entered the wide-format market, sharing their insights on how to make moving into a new market a success.
As well as highlighting the some of the 'Killer applications' of wide-format print and ranking the UK's top 20 large-format printers, the report also looks at the thorny issue of third-party digital inks, and discusses whether the cost-saving pros finally outweigh the perceived consistency and reliability cons.
The PrintWeek Wide-format report is available online for free; to access the valuable content all you need to do is register here.
Please note, registered users of will have to re-register on the dedicated microsite.
PrintWeek's free Wide-format report available online
PrintWeek's inaugural <i>Wide-format report</i>, which features the views of over 150 print buyers, is now available on a dedicated microsite.