Print is feeling powerful once again

This issue of PrintWeek is largely dedicated to celebrating the power of print.

And rightly so.

From our roundtable discussion with the students that entered our cover design competition (hearty congrats to winner Michael Driver), to our features on the emotional impact of print and brands making a welcome return to the medium, the Business Inspection on the perfectly named Brilliant Media and our interview with print’s very own poster boy, Gary Peeling, the issue is jammed with reasons to be cheerful about print.

And, frankly, we barely scratched the surface.

Confidence in the sector is probably at its highest level for years, partly because print seems to be having a renaissance with marketers, but also because it feels like we’ve found our place in the new media landscape.

Yes, we still face challenges – show me an industry that doesn’t – but talking to people in the sector, most recently at Dscoop, it’s clear that the industry’s sights are very much set on identifying and realising the opportunities not just scoping for threats.

Print is definitely changing, but in the right hands there’s no doubt that it has a bright and dynamic future. The trick is going to be, as Peeling points out, making sure that the smartphone generation realises that – and that’s where his master plan of us all working together to create a legion of Generation Z print advocates comes in.

And if you don’t know what Generation Z is, just WhatsApp or Snapchat someone young and ask.