MPs told by CPI to prioritise paper or lose competitive edge

The Confederation of Paper Industries (CPI) has written to MPs to drive home the desperate need for action to help the UK papermaking industry.

It wants MPs to put manufacturing at the heart of every aspect of policy and to nail down an energy strategy that secures supplies at internationally competitive prices.

It is calling for a "more proportional approach" to climate change goals, the axing of overlapping legislation, more apprenticeships and better allowances for green schemes.

The initiative follows BPIF's Priorities for Print manifesto, launched last month, highlighting fears such as pre-pack administrations and VAT threats to print.

CPI director general David Workman said: "It’s now widely recognised that a balanced economy is essential if we’re to prosper in the future.

"The paper industry does not seek special treatment, but it does look to government to create the level playing field needed to retain and grow paper production in the UK."

Peter Ellis, Unite national officer for the paper and board manufacturing industries, said: "The most pressing concern is the need for a level playing field for manufacturing.

"The sector employs 85,000 people – 3% of the manufacturing workforce – and is a major contributor to UK GDP."