Jobs saved at Heron after working hours change

Unite has said that a number of jobs have been saved at Wyndeham Heron after negotiations with the company.

Wyndeham Group entered into consultation with 86 of the 300 employees at its Heron plant in response to a cut in capacity at the site.

However, according to Unite, pressroom staff have agreed a change in shift pattern, which could reduce redundancies from 86 to 79.

Unite national officer Steve Sibbald told PrintWeek: "We have negotiated a deal there for a more flexible shift pattern. It is designed to take into account specific contracts and has saved a number of jobs.

"Unlike some employers, we achieved this through negotiation, discussion and agreement."

The consultation continues and Sibbald added that the union would continue to discuss possible changes that could save further jobs.

Wyndeham Group said that it did not comment on ongoing consultations.