Humidity Solutions
Stand 7/E476
Humidity Solutions will be showcasing its range of green products. It will be providing humidification and adiabatic cooling to the central isles throughout the 11 halls at Ipex (see Star Product).
J&G Environmental
Stand 9/F316
The UK waste management company, and IpexDaily production partner, will be showing its range of waste collection, treatment and recycling services, as well as its commitment to the environment and customer service.
PrintCity Alliance
Stand 17/D921
PrintCity consists of nine members: Leonhard Kurz, Manroland, Megtec, Merck, Océ, Sappi, Tolerans, UPM and Weilburger Graphics. All will be sharing knowledge with printers, showing how they can be greener and leaner as well as adding value.
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"Utilities, paper and ink but probably not transport, couriers, finisher’s for example"
"Bound to be, most likely those not key suppliers along with HMRC"
"And now watch for those reversion charges to come in thick and fast, for the slightest deviation from the mailing specification 😉😂"
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